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Random Number Generator in JavaScript

/ 3 min read

A random number generator in JavaScript without using a Math.random function is a challenge to write.

Much research has gone into the theoretical underpinnings of such a procedure but I have not been able to fathom any of it till now. That can be a future endeavour I suppose.

For the present I am using the random number generator presented in Knuth’s The Art Of Computer Programming: Seminumerical Algorithms (Vol 2). It’s a port from the C code with the essential parts modified. The original code can be found at View the demo to see it in action.

Here is the code:

(function () {
var KK = 100;
var LL = 37;
var mod_sum = function (x, y) {
return x + y - ((x + y) | 0);
var ran_u = Array(KK);
var ranf_array = function (aa, n) {
var i, j;
for (j = 0; j < KK; j++) aa[j] = ran_u[j];
for (; j < n; j++)
aa[j] = aa[j - KK] + aa[j - LL] - ((aa[j - KK] + aa[j - LL]) | 0);
for (i = 0; i < LL; i++, j++)
ran_u[i] = aa[j - KK] + aa[j - LL] - ((aa[j - KK] + aa[j - LL]) | 0);
for (; i < KK; i++, j++)
ran_u[i] =
aa[j - KK] + ran_u[i - LL] - ((aa[j - KK] + ran_u[i - LL]) | 0);
var ranf_start = function (seed) {
var t, s, j;
var u = Array(KK + KK - 1);
var ulp = 1.0 / (1 << 30) / (1 << 22); /* 2 to the -52 */
var ss = 2.0 * ulp * ((seed & 0x3fffffff) + 2);
var TT = 70; /* guaranteed separation between streams */
function is_odd(s) {
return s & 1;
for (j = 0; j < KK; j++) {
u[j] = ss; /* bootstrap the buffer */
ss += ss;
if (ss >= 1.0) ss -= 1.0 - 2 * ulp; /* cyclic shift of 51 bits */
u[1] += ulp; /* make u[1] (and only u[1]) "odd" */
for (s = seed & 0x3fffffff, t = TT - 1; t; ) {
for (j = KK - 1; j > 0; j--)
(u[j + j] = u[j]), (u[j + j - 1] = 0.0); /* "square" */
for (j = KK + KK - 2; j >= KK; j--) {
u[j - (KK - LL)] = mod_sum(u[j - (KK - LL)], u[j]);
u[j - KK] = mod_sum(u[j - KK], u[j]);
if (is_odd(s)) {
/* "multiply by z" */
for (j = KK; j > 0; j--) u[j] = u[j - 1];
u[0] = u[KK]; /* shift the buffer cyclically */
u[LL] = mod_sum(u[LL], u[KK]);
if (s) s >>= 1;
else t--;
for (j = 0; j < LL; j++) ran_u[j + KK - LL] = u[j];
for (; j < KK; j++) ran_u[j - LL] = u[j];
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) ranf_array(u, KK + KK - 1); /* warm things up */
/* Usage */
var a = Array(1009),
i = 0,
seed = Date ? +new Date() : 310952;
ranf_array(a, 1009);
window.random = function () {
1009 === i &&
((seed = a[i - 1]), (i = 0), ranf_start(seed), ranf_array(a, 1009));
return a[i++];